
Monica - premiering September 3

This post contains affiliate links. Graham spent last summer filming a beautiful movie by Italian director Andrea Pallaoro. The film is premiering Saturday, September 3, at the Venice Film Festival.  From G: I have still been reading A LOT, but they have not all been kids’ books. I read the Dan Brown books starting with Angels and Demons, which made my trip to Rome a lot more fun. We found most of the Path of Illumination and saw the Bernini sculptures last week. I’ve also been reading more simple books about Italy to my brother when I talk to him. We really liked Mystery in Venice , which is an easy read but teaches you a lot about Venice and its history.  Here are some pictures we took in Italy this week:


More about my projects on my IMDb page! I filmed another feature film and had a great role. I've been playing piano and reading a lot this school year. I am hoping to travel a lot this summer.

Updates & They/Them/Us Premiere!

Hello! I post a lot more over on Instagram than on here. Follow my adventures of there, please. If you're in Los Angeles, check out the premiere of a film I shot last summer, They/Them/Us , on September 11 at the Chinese Theatres in Hollywood. I would go to the premiere, but I am not vaccinated yet because I'm only 8. It is safer to stay with my family instead. 

Video Book Review: Wings of Fire

This is me reviewing Wings of Fire #1. I liked it a lot, and now I am in the middle of Wings of Fire #6. I don't want to spoil what happens, but if you like Harry Potter and exciting magic and dragon books, you will really like Wings of Fire. Will you please follow me on Instagram? @GrahamReads Or like me on Facebook?

Book Review: The Boy The mole The Fox The Horse

This book is in cursive so make sure you know how to read cursive before you go looking for this book. It is very beautiful and has beautiful pictures. In the beginning and the end there’s like this song but it’s hard to play because their are drawings on the notes. I can write in cursive but it is hard to read in cursive. This book is helping me practice reading in cursive though. It's called The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse  . It's by Charlie Mackesy

Red Carpet Film Premiere!!

On the red carpet i wore some converse shoes. the boots are my mom’s. The rest of my clothes are a tuxedo but i wore converse because they are beautiful. I got my photo taken on the red carpet and got interviewed and asked questions and that’s pretty much all i did on the red carpet. Then i went into the theatre, got some popcorn, and then i went into the room where the movie happened. And i got a front row seat. And the night before that i’d been in the front row of an elvis costello concert so it was a good weekend.   **** GRAHAM IS IN A MOVIE! He needs a real manager because I'm just Mom and don't know how to do a proper press release, etc. But he's got a speaking role in Dark Waters , which comes out on the coasts on November 22 and theatres across America by Dec 6. I think it comes to Europe in January. It's already blowing up the Oscar blogs, and I can't WAIT to see where this leads Graham. He's so happy and watched the film in its entir...

Book Review: Wings of Fire

Graham’s mom jumping in here to alert you  #spoileralert  bwahahaha — i guess we should work on Book Review etiquette :) ⠀ ⠀ Graham’s book review about Wings of Fire⠀ ⠀ This is me holding the book wings of fire. It’s the first one the dragonet prophecy. A dragonet is a baby or kid dragon. In the very last few pages of the EPILOGUE there was somebody who did something for somebody. Do you know what his gift was? Dying